Friday, March 20, 2020

Nibhaya Rapists hanged!

The below conversation is a reflection on the justice done to Nirbhaya 7 years after she was raped by 5 men one of legally a minor, in an empty delhi transport bus. Her male escort was beaten senseless. She was then raped, brutalized and her private parts ravaged with iron rods. She and her escort were then thrown off the bus naked and the driver tried to drive the bus over her to kill them both but they survived. Nirbhaya later died of her injuries and the boyfriend faded into oblivion. The nation went ablaze with demands for action against the five rapists. But... One of the five rapists was put in a juvenile remand home and now roams free in society under a new identity. Wonder how many more are to fall prey to his appetite.
The four remaining beasts enjoyed the hospitality of the the Indian Government for 7 years, food three times daily, regular exercise, meeting with their familes, living, breathing and laughing at the legal system that could not mete out justice to the raped, beaten dead girl. They were finally hanged on the 20th of March 2020, a friday. Literally a "Good" friday, ridding the world of their presence. 

The below is a conversation on their passing. A philosophical reflection of the basal, sensual, animalistic desires that haunt all human minds, and for some surface and become their nemesis.

X: Four less beasts in the world!

A: 🙏 when the four was killed ... The darkness was already lurking the world. They died with vengeance against the world. 
Their souls crept into the darkness, less beasts in the world some said.
The soul waited in the darkness to be digged and enter the elements. 
These elements are the ash that world lives on cleaning themselves off.

X: Their souls were lost they day they raped,
They laughed as the woman bled and wept,
Time waited and so did destiny,
Hoping they would pray and repent,
Obsidian they remained to the end,
Claiming 'human justice' for their humanity,
Souls lost to the dark side,
Machivellian in their machinations,
Time ran out, so did destiny's patience,
Both decreed in unison,
"Death by hanging"
Human justice for the inhuman!

A: Wow. 
Glad you reached the door of your depths. 
Wait there in the abbesses of polarities,
Explore every polarity that you Manifest for yourself, till you are free of exploring and creating in the process.
Then you will meet The Self in the light of yourself.

X: Have been at the depths for long! Too long!
Living life, every moment of existence,
Each Ray of light that reached the depths,
Is of hope... of deliverance.
Too long has the mind judged,
Too long though heart wept,
Too long the frame suffered,
Hurt, blinded, deafened, mute and insensate...

A: The four beasts reach the depths to meet themselves in themselves and this keeps the world protected as 4 directions.
Each direction has each battle to fight. 
The fight shall go on as long you choose, the other option is to surrender it to the Divine.
The Divine has Manifested Peace with Love and Non- violence. It's the era of PEACE. 
If you find yourself in peace you have a play ground here, with eternal spring of Knowledge to drink from.
These 4 playing became pillars of professionals.
Waiting to find themselves in the world just understanding themselves as profession. 
They then understand themselves as their nemesis.
The cycle of world opens wide for exploring.

X: Time and tide wait for none,
To live, human, intelligent, discerning, 
Is a gift granted to free oneself,
Yet some choose to be bound,
And others to be free.
The choice is an illusion,
As there is no choice.
The circle is endless, till one realises,
The path is within, not on the edge,
Once the plunge, evolution begins,
Acceptance, Awareness, Absolution.
The dot of light expands to infinity,
And one understands one in One!

A: One tied to The Mother, other to the Father, another to both. That attachment in the core is responsible for both tradition and war.

X: The destination is the same,
The "choice" the same,
The path - different! As is the mind.

A: Be the light that you are.

X: Be the love that you can be

A: Read the names, know the source and consequence.

X: Names are to forms as shape is to water.

A: Shape in its closest form is Mantra. Utter carefully, least you might shake the core in your excitement. The reason why Masters of the Mantras remain silent.

X: Celebration is beyond, excitement is beneath

A: Pray you don't find yourself in the souls of those you rejoiced for dying. The game is on

X: The Masters remain silent, since Time is their Master. And the Master of Time their source.

A: Shhhh don't name, they said.. 
They named him after it.

X: Celebration of triumph of good over evil, is the path to sublimation. To where neither exist.
Tamasomaa jyotirgamaya
Names to forms, nameless to formless

A: This is cool dude.. like enlightenment over phone. Hahahaha. Remember my name. I am A. I will remember yours.

X: I just loved the conversation, A. You are one of the very few with whom one can converse contented. Without the fear of being misunderstood.

A: Hahaha hahahhaha... I can wear costumes, so everyone seems to understand me.. hahahhaha.

X: We Are Never what we truly are in what we present to the world. We are what we truly are. When we are in the presence of The Infinite.

A: Hahahaha. So the Gods run after the infinite forms of A. I can have ego in time.. hahahhaha

X: As you said the moment a name is given, a form is envisaged. The Infinite chasing infinite, The Infinite being Lost In The Infinite, conversations by Infinity with infinity... That is the domain of the liberated!

A: Hahahaha. You are very smart. You are always right.

X: Ego is just a vesture created by the mind to "protect" the image of the self.

A: Just don't be too right for the left not see you. The left, right and leftovers meet at the heart.

X: No! Am not always right but am striving to stay in the middle. It is a painful process. But being blessed with solitude... I am in celebration of life. One day at a time.

A: To me you are always right. To yourself you feel you can impose middle ground which never exist.

X: Agreed! Maata pita guru daivam and... Mariantayu. Left Right .... And the leftovers. The punch line is "Neeve". As long as the mind exists the dichotomy exists. To reach Amanaska one has to start with acceptance, move to awareness and then find absolution. I am still learning acceptance.

A: You know where to find me... I just to roam around in the world not stopped by anyone. Thus a law was made, let the alpha walk. And rest of the drama followed. Please tell me, this is a good one for gods to digest.

X: Laws are by men, freedom by God. Which one?

A: The story we concocted now... hahahhaha

X: It is a reflection of each of a perception of existence and reality. Two individual souls expressing their interpretation on the basis of their evolution, of a Reality That presented itself, Which in itself is an illusion.

A: The eternal concoction of awakening as the story of the eternal.

X: As explained by Bhagwan Rutam is superior to Satyam and in Rutam eternity in Satyam there is time. To be awake or asleep. Is all an illusion that we can cook for ourselves to justify our existence. Of an individual merging Into The Infinite. of the advanced and the beginner, of the evolved and the banal.

A: Hahahaha. Good one... One tells the story.. other lives it. A bind of polarities Manifest within oneself for oneself. The strains of past don't go, due to the impressions of knowledge. The creation propels itself either strong or weak, but will never end.

X: And so the cycle continues.

A: 🙏😊
Wake up, I need your help to keep the cycle going.
I want team to pass by.
Mahabharata is over, we won..
Now it is not about war, it is about peace. Let's build team for peace.
Tell Gods and Demons that A has friends from both sides. He is on Mission Peace and Fun, let him walk. All the battles are resolved, in all levels.

X: Let the viashwanara be calmed.

A: Hahahahah priorities. I love this..

X: The cycle with go on! For as long as it is in motion the wheel stays upright. Once the motion stops so does the wheel. And therein lies the lesson. Solitude, Stability and Silence. 
"Reality" has now set the illusion for social distancing - forcing solitude on each if us. How many will use the solitude to stabilize and silence, and how many to fan their flames of ignorance.

A: If you have it.. I am free for call

X: A is blessed by the master of both. To be beyond their reach. His path is defined by "Him". And... His Will be Done! They will be... As you are already on the path to yourself!

A: Hahaha. Thanks you

However there is a footnote...

In the recent past 4 rapists had outraged the modesty of PR a Veternerian in Hyderabad. not satisfied with raping her for hours, they throttled her to death and burnt her body, trying to hide their crime. They were however caught and instead of the long unnecessary trial, they were "encountered" death. The human rights dogs started barking but turned tail and ran when the public put them in their place. The investigations will go on forever and the case will eventually be closed. BTW their bodies lie in mortuaries, yet to be handed over to their families as some investigative body has instructed to hold them till the case is closed. Fitting end to these rapists, their bodies lie rotting slowly while perhaps their dark souls suffer.

The fact remains that PR was given instant justice by decision makers who did not hesiate to bite the bullet... The world needs such decisions to be made. Such punishment that will put the fear of retribution into the minds and hearts of beasts in human form, were they but to even think of such thoughts.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Peshawar Massacre

No God desires the death of his Children,
A Religion that prescribes death is no path to God,
Man misleads and is misled,
For selfishness and transient glory,
Soaked in blood, remembered for death,
Abhorred for violence, cursed for eternity,
Those that foster hatred shall have no peace,
Either in this world or the next,
Those that shed the blood of innocents,
Shall pay the price many times over,
There is no glory in murder, no fame in dishonor,
The weeping of a mother, the sob of a father,
The wail of a child, and the silence of death.
Pain knows no religion, or nation,
Neither does geography define it,
Pain is loss, grief, misery and desolation...
An eye for a eye will make the whole world blind.
In understanding there is adjustment, In adjustment we find love,
In love we find peace, In peace there is Life!