Thursday, December 18, 2014

Peshawar Massacre

No God desires the death of his Children,
A Religion that prescribes death is no path to God,
Man misleads and is misled,
For selfishness and transient glory,
Soaked in blood, remembered for death,
Abhorred for violence, cursed for eternity,
Those that foster hatred shall have no peace,
Either in this world or the next,
Those that shed the blood of innocents,
Shall pay the price many times over,
There is no glory in murder, no fame in dishonor,
The weeping of a mother, the sob of a father,
The wail of a child, and the silence of death.
Pain knows no religion, or nation,
Neither does geography define it,
Pain is loss, grief, misery and desolation...
An eye for a eye will make the whole world blind.
In understanding there is adjustment, In adjustment we find love,
In love we find peace, In peace there is Life!

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